This topic contains Crossword Climber 9 letters answers, hints, and solutions. If you’re stuck at a level with 9 letter words, then feel free to use the solutions provided below.
Crossword Climber is a crossword puzzle game with a unique theme developed by “AppyNation Ltd.“. In the game, we have to climb the mountain one step at a time by solving thousands of challenging crossword clues.
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Crossword Climber 9 Letters Answers and Solution
- Clue: Absolutely flat. Answer: DEADLEVEL
- Clue: Accompaniment to soup?. Answer: BREADROLL
- Clue: Anyone that. Answer: WHOSOEVER
- Clue: Aunts, cousins, brothers. Answer: RELATIVES
- Clue: Ball-shaped. Answer: SPHERICAL
- Clue: Bang, blast. Answer: EXPLOSION
- Clue: Beauty preparations. Answer: COSMETICS
- Clue: Bold, self-confident. Answer: ASSERTIVE
- Clue: Brilliance, mastery. Answer: GREATNESS
- Clue: Captivated. Answer: ENCHANTED
- Clue: Carrot or pea. Answer: VEGETABLE
- Clue: Car’s direction signal. Answer: INDICATOR
- Clue: Chairs, tables etc. Answer: FURNITURE
- Clue: Chemist or physicist. Answer: SCIENTIST
- Clue: Chew. Answer: MASTICATE
- Clue: Child’s reading matter. Answer: STORYBOOK
- Clue: Chivalrous, educated male. Answer: GENTLEMAN
- Clue: Circus animal trainer. Answer: LIONTAMER
- Clue: Coast on bike. Answer: FREEWHEEL
- Clue: Colleague, helper. Answer: ASSISTANT
- Clue: College for creative study. Answer: ARTSCHOOL
- Clue: Completely silent. Answer: NOISELESS
- Clue: Concorde for example. Answer: AEROPLANE
- Clue: Content of food. Answer: NUTRITION
- Clue: Control by threatening. Answer: TERRORIZE
- Clue: Control, watch over. Answer: SUPERVISE
- Clue: Controlled, had power over. Answer: DOMINATED
- Clue: Courtesy, respect. Answer: DEFERENCE
- Clue: Cultural decline, immorality. Answer: DECADENCE
- Clue: Dangerous water-dwelling reptile. Answer: CROCODILE
- Clue: Day after Christmas. Answer: BOXINGDAY
- Clue: December the 25th. Answer: CHRISTMAS
- Clue: Designer of buildings. Answer: ARCHITECT
- Clue: Device for repointing pencils. Answer: SHARPENER
- Clue: Distress, concern. Answer: AGITATION
- Clue: Dry up, lose water. Answer: DEHYDRATE
- Clue: Easily remembered. Answer: MEMORABLE
- Clue: Economic slump, hard times. Answer: RECESSION
- Clue: Eminence, high repute. Answer: GREATNESS
- Clue: Exciting, stirring. Answer: THRILLING
- Clue: Exhaustion. Answer: WEARINESS
- Clue: Extremely funny. Answer: HILARIOUS
- Clue: Facial whiskers. Answer: SIDEBURNS
- Clue: Falling apart, fragmenting. Answer: CRUMBLING
- Clue: Fatigue. Answer: WEARINESS
- Clue: Female mole?. Answer: TRAITRESS
- Clue: First daily meal. Answer: BREAKFAST
- Clue: Flat, accommodation. Answer: APARTMENT
- Clue: Follows August. Answer: SEPTEMBER
- Clue: Forgery, replica. Answer: IMITATION
- Clue: Form of transport. Answer: MOTORBIKE
- Clue: Gad about. Answer: GALLIVANT
- Clue: Given penalty by court. Answer: SENTENCED
- Clue: Gossip about. Answer: TELLTALES
- Clue: Had misgivings, qualms. Answer: SUSPECTED
- Clue: Having finer feelings. Answer: SENSITIVE
- Clue: Height, loftiness. Answer: ELEVATION
- Clue: High regard, homage. Answer: REVERENCE
- Clue: Highly melodramatic TV drama. Answer: SOAPOPERA
- Clue: House entrance. Answer: FRONTDOOR
- Clue: Humiliated. Answer: DISGRACED
- Clue: Hundredth celebration. Answer: CENTENARY
- Clue: In the clear. Answer: GUILTLESS
- Clue: In vain, unproductive. Answer: FRUITLESS
- Clue: Incorrectly positioned. Answer: MISPLACED
- Clue: Inducement, small bribe. Answer: SWEETENER
- Clue: Injury from extreme cold. Answer: FROSTBITE
- Clue: Intensely, acutely. Answer: EXTREMELY
- Clue: Intimidate, bully. Answer: TERRORIZE
- Clue: Irritation. Answer: ANNOYANCE
- Clue: Jet. Answer: AEROPLANE
- Clue: Kept safe. Answer: PROTECTED
- Clue: Kitchen sink washing aid. Answer: DISHCLOTH
- Clue: Kitchen utensil. Answer: CANOPENER
- Clue: Lack of knowledge. Answer: IGNORANCE
- Clue: Large crocodilian. Answer: ALLIGATOR
- Clue: Lavish, lush. Answer: LUXURIOUS
- Clue: Law enforcement canine. Answer: POLICEDOG
- Clue: Law enforcement vehicle. Answer: POLICECAR
- Clue: Legal professional. Answer: SOLICITOR
- Clue: Looks after house temporarily. Answer: CARETAKER
- Clue: Machine for cutting grass. Answer: LAWNMOWER
- Clue: Make fancy, adorn. Answer: EMBELLISH
- Clue: Make more contemporary. Answer: MODERNIZE
- Clue: Male sweetheart. Answer: BOYFRIEND
- Clue: Manufacturer of spinnakers, for example. Answer: SAILMAKER
- Clue: Mechanized, self-activating. Answer: AUTOMATIC
- Clue: Mental ability. Answer: INTELLECT
- Clue: Merriment. Answer: AMUSEMENT
- Clue: Misgiving, doubt. Answer: SUSPICION
- Clue: Missile take-off area. Answer: LAUNCHPAD
- Clue: Morning meal. Answer: BREAKFAST
- Clue: Mountain range, including Everest. Answer: HIMALAYAS
- Clue: Napkin. Answer: SERVIETTE
- Clue: Nationalistic. Answer: PATRIOTIC
- Clue: Naval vessel. Answer: SUBMARINE
- Clue: Neil Armstrong, for example. Answer: ASTRONAUT
- Clue: Niggled, cross. Answer: IRRITATED
- Clue: Non-alcoholic beverage. Answer: SOFTDRINK
- Clue: Not in an up direction. Answer: DOWNWARDS
- Clue: Ocean wind over land. Answer: SEABREEZE
- Clue: Of, near South Pole. Answer: ANTARCTIC
- Clue: Offer oneself as guinea pig. Answer: VOLUNTEER
- Clue: Opposite of eastwards. Answer: WESTWARDS
- Clue: Orange preserve. Answer: MARMALADE
- Clue: Order a medicine. Answer: PRESCRIBE
- Clue: Outgoing person. Answer: EXTROVERT
- Clue: Perilous, unsafe. Answer: DANGEROUS
- Clue: Permit, allow. Answer: AUTHORIZE
- Clue: Person assisting criminal. Answer: ACCESSORY
- Clue: Person travelling. Answer: PASSENGER
- Clue: Person who arranges events. Answer: ORGANIZER
- Clue: Person who chooses to enlist. Answer: VOLUNTEER
- Clue: Planner. Answer: ORGANIZER
- Clue: Powered cycle. Answer: MOTORBIKE
- Clue: Powered soil digger. Answer: ROTAVATOR
- Clue: Privately-hired driver. Answer: CHAUFFEUR
- Clue: Promotion, upgrading. Answer: ELEVATION
- Clue: Pulled out, extended. Answer: STRETCHED
- Clue: Put right. Answer: CORRECTED
- Clue: Recommendation for job. Answer: REFERENCE
- Clue: Relating to movies. Answer: CINEMATIC
- Clue: Relating to numbers. Answer: NUMERICAL
- Clue: Repentance, regret. Answer: PENITENCE
- Clue: Required, needful. Answer: NECESSARY
- Clue: Robin. Answer: REDBREAST
- Clue: Rugby formation. Answer: SCRUMMAGE
- Clue: Say sorry. Answer: APOLOGIZE
- Clue: School odd-job man. Answer: CARETAKER
- Clue: Seasonal chocolate. Answer: EASTEREGG
- Clue: Secret wedding by runaways. Answer: ELOPEMENT
- Clue: Sentimental, weepy. Answer: EMOTIONAL
- Clue: She shows you to your seat. Answer: USHERETTE
- Clue: Short female garment. Answer: MINISKIRT
- Clue: Six-sided. Answer: HEXAGONAL
- Clue: Sneaking intuition, hunch. Answer: SUSPICION
- Clue: Soft comfortable seat. Answer: EASYCHAIR
- Clue: Solemnly, earnestly. Answer: SERIOUSLY
- Clue: Some other place. Answer: ELSEWHERE
- Clue: Spanish holiday island. Answer: LANZAROTE
- Clue: Spread out, intermittent. Answer: STAGGERED
- Clue: Standing up for oneself. Answer: ASSERTIVE
- Clue: Stature, size. Answer: GREATNESS
- Clue: Strewn around. Answer: SCATTERED
- Clue: Sugar substitute. Answer: SWEETENER
- Clue: Superstar. Answer: CELEBRITY
- Clue: Swamped. Answer: INUNDATED
- Clue: Take legal action against. Answer: PROSECUTE
- Clue: Team athletics event. Answer: RELAYRACE
- Clue: Team follower. Answer: SUPPORTER
- Clue: Temporarily excluded from school. Answer: SUSPENDED
- Clue: Tennis, hockey etc.. Answer: BALLGAMES
- Clue: Texan river boundary. Answer: RIOGRANDE
- Clue: The start. Answer: BEGINNING
- Clue: Therapist, bone specialist. Answer: OSTEOPATH
- Clue: Tiredness, lifelessness. Answer: WEARINESS
- Clue: Toad for example. Answer: AMPHIBIAN
- Clue: Toupee. Answer: HAIRPIECE
- Clue: Town near Jerusalem. Answer: BETHLEHEM
- Clue: TV show host. Answer: PRESENTER
- Clue: Type of pen. Answer: BALLPOINT
- Clue: Type of theatrical company. Answer: REPERTORY
- Clue: Uneaten food. Answer: LEFTOVERS
- Clue: Uninvited entry. Answer: INTRUSION
- Clue: Vetted, tested. Answer: INSPECTED
- Clue: Where land meets sea. Answer: COASTLINE
- Clue: Wild animal collection. Answer: MENAGERIE
- Clue: With optimism. Answer: HOPEFULLY
- Clue: Wrote destination on letter. Answer: ADDRESSED
- Clue: Yellow flowered weed. Answer: DANDELION
- Clue: Zoo. Answer: MENAGERIE
After completing the 9 letters answers, you can find Crossword Climber 10 letters answers here.
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