Word Craze is a new crossword and trivia puzzle game with unlimited fun. The game is developed by “Betta Games” and is themed around Ann’s journey around the world and the interesting things she encounters during the journey.
This topic contains Word Craze Level 1824 Answers, Cheats, and solutions. In case, if you’re stuck at Level 1824 you can use the answers provided below. If you’re looking for Word Craze Level 1823 Answers you can find them here.
If you are looking for Word Craze Answers for another level you can find them here.
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Word Craze Level 1824 Answers, Cheats, and Solutions
- Planning and arranging the parts of something: STRUCTURING
- An act liable to legal action is this: PUNISHABLE
- Something not needed is this: UNNECESSARY
- Administration marked by excessive red tape: BUREAUCRACY
- Those who use deception to influence how others act: MANIPULATORS
- Something characterized by bitterness is this: RANCOROUS
- Oversights or items accidentally left out: OMISSIONS
- A “blue-blooded” nobleman: ARISTOCRAT
- Those who are always right, from a business perspective: CUSTOMERS
- Besides his heel, Achilles was supposedly this: INVULNERABLE
- The cancellation of an execution: REPRIEVAL
- In 1896, Mark Twain wrote “Nature knows no ___________; man invents them.”: INDECENCIES
- People with extraordinary abilities, known to wear masks: SUPERHEROES
- Totally changed, like a caterpillar to a butterfly: TRANSFORMED
- A gathering of many people: MULTITUDE
- Buckingham Palace soldier’s favorite activity: STANDGUARD
- Waste material discharged by people or animals: EXCREMENT
- Beaten by someone with superior strength or resources: OVERPOWERED
After completing this level you can find bonus words and answers for Word Craze Level 1825 here.
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