Word Craze is a new crossword and trivia puzzle game with unlimited fun. The game is developed by “Betta Games” and is themed around Ann’s journey around the world and the interesting things she encounters during the journey.
This topic contains Word Craze Level 722 Answers, Cheats, and solutions. In case, if you’re stuck at Level 722 you can use the answers provided below. If you’re looking for Word Craze Level 721 Answers you can find them here.
If you are looking for Word Craze Answers for another level you can find them here.
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Word Craze Level 722 Answers, Cheats, and Solutions
- What is he facing?: OCEANFRONT
- The only female member in the original cast of The Smurfs: SMURFETTE
- A branch or official extension of a business or company: AFFILIATE
- The highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouts: EAGLESCOUT
- The shortest course around a track: INSIDELANE
- Some restaurants offer special dishes that are not __ ___ ____: ONTHEMENU
- In experiments, scientists will often have a ____ _____ and a control group: TESTGROUP
- To be given an informal name: NICKNAMED
- People who study to be doctors: MEDSTUDENTS
- ____ __ ____, baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me no more: WHATISLOVE
- Style of comedy that uses taboo, uncomfortable or serious subject matter: DARKHUMOR
After completing this level you can find bonus words and answers for Word Craze Level 723 here.
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